About Me

This website is for my photography. Emphasis on the word "my".


I don't do photography to please others, I don't do photography to show off, I don't care much about likes or comments (have you seen a comment or like button on this website?).

I do photography just for myself, because I like to do photography, because it's my way to meditate, to have fun and enjoy the art. I do it because it is a way to get my own, sometimes conventional, sometimes weird way to see the world out of my head in the form of images...

The photographs that you see on this website are a mix of my best ones and my fondest ones. I can argue that my fondest ones are not my best ones. Mixing them together will probably only dilute the best ones. So be it. I should probably edit better and remove photographs that are not necessarily the best, but for one weird reason or another, I like it this way, keeping my fondest ones too.

Keep in mind that the only genre here is that there is no genre. Sometimes I craft toy photography, sometimes I do landscapes, sometimes architecture, etc. I do as I see... whatever jumps in front of me and inspires me.

I started putting this website together sometime around 2020 (even though it launched 4 or 5 years later) as part of my own process of disconnecting from social media as much as I practically could.

Back then, I was too obsessed with Instagram, likes, followers, and stuff like that. I realized all that got in the way of my own learning and my own mental health, so I just decided to shut it down completely. But in time, I found myself feeling the craving to have a website where I could share my photography with family, close friends, point it to curious people, and maybe even use it as a tool to organize my own photography and my own thoughts, which is something I could do better.

This website is also powered completely by a static website engine that I developed myself (I'm also a software engineer). I just got tired of dealing with other folks' platforms, and I would rather keep it simple with my own.

In any case, thanks for stopping by. You can contact me (for whatever reason) at piojosnos (at) gmail.com (you'll figure it out).

Live long and prosper!